Zespół EUROPE DIRECT Podlaskie wziął udział w międzynarodowej konferencji poświęconej praw człowieka w kontekście pandemii COVID-19
Konferencja międzynarodowa Human Rights In The Regime Of Covid-19 odbyła się w dniach 27-28 maja 2021 r., na zasadach spotkania online. Kierownik Punktu Prof. Maciej Perkowski wspólnie z Anną Drabarz i Maciejem Oksztulskim wygłosili referat Does remote work determined by the Covid-19 pandemic optimise accessibility and equal status of persons with disabilities in higher education?
Covid-19 pandemic has brought about a significant increase in remote work. The
latter is obviously not a new formula, but it is new in areas that have been so
far neglected, and more often – it has been intensified where it has been
practiced to a small extent (all in a relatively short time). In higher
education, almost all activity has taken a remote form, although it is
difficult to resist the feeling that it is accompanied by a sense of
transitoriness and determination to pull through until „normality”
returns. Of course, the latter is expected by all means, but it is difficult to
overestimate the (forced) experience of increased remote work. On their basis,
it is possible to optimize the functioning of higher education in conditions of
“normality”, wherever the remote formula allows to break down barriers,
overcome difficulties and obtain opportunities that were previously
looking at the last year experiences and drawing conclusions for the future –
special attention should be paid to
people with disabilities who are more and more willing and more likely to
undertake studies, as well as professional activity within higher education. On
the one hand, the remoteness, in a way, equalizes their chances, and even
provides advantages to those who have used it before. On the other hand, it
limits socialization, which in many cases is not only a need, but also a
therapy. The authors’ team of the Department of Public International Law and
the European Faculty of Law of the University of Bialystok in Poland headed by Prof.
Maciej Perkowski is composed of two people with disabilities: Dr. Anna Drabarz,
assistant professor, performing various functions at the university and outside,
and M.Sc. Maciej Oksztulski – a non-verbal autist (on the eve of the defense of
his doctoral dissertation).